about me.

Thanks for stopping by! I’m a technology-loving, high school English teacher whose mission is to reintroduce her students to the love of reading through authentic, real-world tasks. This is my 29th year in education, my 27th year in a high school English classroom, and my 23rd year at WMHS.

Now, before you try to do the math to figure out how old that makes me, I’m 25.

Or at least, my husband, Eric, says I don’t look a day over 25, and that, my friends, is why I’ve been married to that smart, smart man for 28 years. We have two children: Anna, our college sophomore, and Will, our high school senior. We also have Bella, our 6-year-old Jack Russell mix who graciously allows us to live in some of the rooms of her house. Speaking of homes, we purchased my childhood home 16 years ago, and so that it doesn’t look like my childhood home, we’ve been doing projects on it ever since. #moreprojectsthanmoney

I dabbled in higher education and management before becoming a high school teacher, and I am Blessed (not #blessed 🙄) to have stumbled onto something that I absolutely love. Yates had it right: “Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.” And I’m grateful to those students and colleagues who have kept the fire in this lifelong learner ablaze.

Thanks for joining me for this leg of the journey!


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